7 Different Management Styles

January 21, 2024

The Autocratic Style

In the Autocratic Style Management, the manager rules over the team as a supreme leader. The manager controls all the plans and projects of the team. Her decision making reigns. This type of manager displays strong passion and confidence and  projects move at the speed of light.  This also means the manager overlooks individual workers in the team.

This style of management often fails. Yet, in some situations being an autocrats carry an advantage. First, this manager knows what to do. A start-up might need a strong leader to provide the direction with decisive decision making. This allows team members to concentrate on giving the company a good first push out to the business world.  Dynamic companies and start-ups require action, not questions and deliberation.

The Consultative Style

Consultative managers act like a father of the family. Similar to an autocrat, the manager has the authority among decision-making, but she shares the process with the team involving in doing the greatest good for the company. As everyone thinks for the greatest good, all the members will treat the team, or in cases the company, as one. Teams under a consultative style manager seek profit as much as possible, give ideas to the manager who will make the final decision. On the flip side, some team members might create factions for and against the manager, or rely on the manager too much for decision making. With that said, Consultative Management Style works effectively with a small group of people, such as a project team. Similarly, when a number of people work to a common goal, the manager might use the Consultative Management Style to best work things out.

The Persuasive Style

The Persuasive Management style also relies on the manager for making decisions. But apart from the Autocratic Style and Consultative Style, the manager takes things in person with each individual worker, explains the benefits of her decision. An autocratic manager would not consider other opinions, and a consultative manager would choose from the ideas given. Persuasive managers, on the other hand, make a decision (this could be made autocratic or consultative), and explains the efficient decision to the employees. This might take time, but it does show interaction between the manager and employees, thus leading to more passion and trust and helping them to understand their place in the team.

This management style works great when a manager outsources a part of the work or has an expert from outside of the team come and explain the project. Solving problems and questions before any of them occur results to a more stress free working environment. Use the Persuasive Management Style to work with those who seem to have a problem, while using another management style for those who are happy with their conditions.

The Democratic Style

Democratic Management Style, as the name shows, gives decision-making to the group. Everyone casts a vote. Democratic Management Style works well with a large team where  a diversity of ideas and minds interact with each other in accomplishing one goal. Communication takes place from both manager and employee, making trustworthy and passionate employees and increasing productivity. While this systematic style is in place, the manager plays a role similar to a chairman. The manager looks over so the voting system works fine without any trouble and with perfect fairness. Lacking this the decision-making can cause delays resulting with a failed project.

The Chaotic Style

Chaotic, or the hand’s-off style, the manager does not manage. The manager gives 100% administration to the employees, and concentrate on her core business and taking responsibilities. In the Chaotic Management Style, the manager gives full trust to the workers and have great patients. As hard it sounds this management style gives great passion in the workers job and creates an environment great for growth. Workers will communicate in each other, but might have less communication with the manager. The manager also must keep an eye out for what happens in the team. With the right reports given and correct actions taken, the team will experience a great success.

The Laissez-faire Style

Laissez-faire Management Style, similar to Chaotic Management Style, lies back from managing, driving the team to where he/she wants it to go. Yet, while Chaotic Management Style focuses on training and motivating the workers, the Laissez-faire Management Style is more for time-keeping and providing knowledge when needed. The final approval from the manager is needed, but other then that workers are free to stretch out their creativity and skills to any extent. At the same time, the manager prepares to answer questions and concerns that come to her from the team. Thus, the manager should know about the industry or work for the whole team.

Management by Walking Around Style

This is an aggressive type of Laissez-faire Management Style. In the Management by Walking Around Management Style (MBWA), the manager walks around the floor and interacts with the team. Different then the Chaotic Management Style, where the manager works in the team, the MBWA manager watches, searches for mistakes or issues, and solves problems. The troubles that the manager encounters are fixed quicker then any other management styles, since it does not require delayed complaints. Still, this style of management works best when the manager interacts deeper and closer with her employees.  Sometimes a difficult working style, the result can often help teams quickly learn, develop, and grow.

Did you find your management style? Or how about your boss’s style? You might not find it here, but in that case, be sure to know your management style and explain it clearly at an interview. Carefully check how you treat and talk to your coworkers.

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